Briefly about Odorosas and our contact info

Anu Brunila-Kovanen

+358 400 488 688



My name is Anu Brunila-Kovanen. I live in Espoo, Finland, 30 km from Helsinki with my dogs and husband.

I began my Labrador hobby in 2003 when I got my first black bitch – FI TR CH Loresho Real Romance, Emma (12.4.2003 – 31.1.2016) – from Annaliisa Harjukari. After some years with Emma I got an idea to get my own breeder name which I got in 2005. In December the same year my first litter was born out of  FIN CH Loresho Liberty x FI TR CH Loresho Real Romance-  from that litter, Anneli, C.I.B FI&EE CH FI TR CH Odorosas Amelie (13.12.2005 – 18.2.2021 stayed with us.

Upper photo: Our first labrador: FI TR CH Loresho Real Romance, Emma , next photo: Aulikki, Emma, Irma and Anneli boating in the Baltic Sea
From our second litter (Su(u)CH Follies Voyager x FIN&EST CH Odorosas Amelie) we kept one bitch: FI CH FI TR CH Odorosas Bon Arrivee; Irma (14.11.2008 – 20.12.2019). And from the fourth (multi ch Adventurer´s Taittinger x O. Bella Rosa) we kept also one bitch, FI TR CH Odorosas De La Rose, Aulikki (9.9.2022 – 4.7.2023).

We have now two bitches in our home since Emma, Irma, Anneli and Aulikki  are passed away. And after Tuulikki, Odorosas Odeur De Rose (Loch Mor Quartermaster  x O. De La Rose) stayed at our home in Spring 2018 and Pamela, Odorosas Pamela  (Perfect Sweet Dream Haribo Bear and FI TR CH Odorosas De La Rose) in Spring 2020.

We like walking and hiking in the nature, visit shows and practice for the field. All our adult bitches are champions in blood tracking. We have two holiday places, one on an island in the Baltic Sea and the other in Lapland. We spend a lot of time in both of the  places.

Tuulikki D.o.B 13.4.2018, Odorosas Odeur De Rose (Loch Mor Quartermaster x Odorosas De La Rose) is our new comer

Most of the puppies are sold to families which are interested in at least some retriever activities

Before the puppies leave for their new homes they get acquainted with our normal home routines, they have carried game and learned with a whistle.

The puppies will be sold chipped and examined by a veterinarian. The price includes also one year membership to Finnish Retriever Organisation and to Labrador Retriever Club of Finland as well as feeding and training instructions.

Upper photo: Emma with her grand daughter´s grand daughter Karo (O. Kuunlilja) in December 2016

The new puppy owners can always ask for the help according to training or any kind of problems. I organize puppy meetings and hope that the owners take part to them and also keep contact to me.

My goal is to breed healthy, nice tempered and good-looking labradors, who can also work. For me it is important that a labrador is a good companion in all kind of retriever activities.

Odorosas  16 weeks old M-puppies met in the forest, other photo: Aulikki  training for the field test