
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

13.12.2017 A-litter 12 years! Congrats! Anneli sends greetings to everybody!

10.12.2017 Helsinki Winner Show. Väinö (O. Kalle-Kunkku) excellent in junior class, Irmeli (O. Irmelie) excellent in open class, Maya (O. Isolde) excellent in open class. Judge: Eeva Rautala
30.11.2017 F-litter 5 years! Congrats!
28.11.2017 J-litter 2 years! Congrats!
14.11.2017 B-litter 9 years! Congrats!
10.11.2017 K-litter 1 years! Congrats!
13.10.2017 M litter was born – everything fine!
11.10.2017 Wilma´s puppies are soon there…
16.9.2017 Puppy show in Vantaa, Koda (O. Lupercus), Ruusa (O. La Rose), Armi (O. Lazarella) and Nelly (O. Lilian) were present: Koda was third, Armi second (with honur price), Nelly third and Ruusa fourth in small puppies class. Judge: Pirjo Aaltonen. Koda in the photo
9.9.2017 D-litter 6 years! Congrats!
8.9.2017 Wilma is ultra sounded: we are expecting puppies by October´s Mario and Odorosas Henriette
3.9.2017 Helsinki all breed show. Konu (O. Kippari-Kalle) very good and second in junior class, Onni  (O. Igneus) very good and second in open class and Irma (O. Bon Arrivee) first in veteran class, also BOB veteran, judge: Heli Siikonen
27.8.2017 Virttaa blood tracking test. Irmeli (O. Irmeli) third price in open class, judge: Mari Mamia, Aulikki (O. De La Rose) first price in winner class, judge Janne Vuorinen
13.8.2017 Iitti blood tracking test. Aulikki (O. De La Rose) first price in winner class => FI TR CH, judge: Jarno Hynninen
24.7.2017 L-litter 16 weeks came for visit

In the photo: Ruusa, Nelly, Armi, Rex, Lenni and Unto

11.7.2017 Ropi (O. Harald) started his blood tracking career with second price in open class, grate!
9.7.2017 Karjaa all breed show. Irmeli (O. Irmelie) third in open class with excellent, Aulikki (O. De La Rose) second in working class with excellent, Anneli (O. Amelie) first in veteran class with excellent and CC quality, also BOB veteran, Roosa (O. Bella Rosa) second in veteran class with very good, breeder Odorosas: BOS breeder with honour price
6.7.2017 H-litter 3 years! Congrats!
7.7.2017 Retriever camp in Ähtäri 3.-6.7.2018 present: Irmeli (O. Irmelie) and Irma (O. Irmelie). Irra took part in rescue course and Irmeli to blood tracking course
5.7.2017 Blood tracking test in Ähtäri. Irmeli (O. Irmelie) second price in open class and Irma (O. Bon Arrivee) first price in winner class, judge: Janne Vuorinen
18.6.2017 Specialty show for labradors in Porvoo. Konu, (O. Kippari-Kalle) second, Väinö (O. Kalle-Kunkku) third and Jalo (O. Kung Fjalar) fourth in puppy class, Hippo (O. Josper Jovial fourth with CC quality and excellent in intermediate class, Poju (O. Galanthus) excellent in open class, judge: Linda McGillivray
17.6.2017 Jokke (O. Jolly Joker) passed the biginners test in hunting (NOU) and he is qualified in the field now! Congrats!!

16.6.2017 L litter 11 weeks came for a visit. In the photos under: Unto, Koda, Lenni, Rex, Ruusa, Nelly and Armi

8.6.2017 Maya (O. Isolde), Irmeli (O. Irmelie) and Aulikki (O. De La Rose)  met in Krokö, island in South Western Finland
21.5.2017 Loimaa blood tracking test. Irma (O. Bon Arrivee) got first price in winner class => new tittle: FI TR CH
21.5.2017 Ropi (O. Harald) got third price in beginners class in hunting test, judge: Risto Aaltonen
13.5.2017 Koski group show. Ropi (O. Harald) first in working class with excellent and CC quality + CAC  and BOB, judge: Pekka Teini
23.4.2017 Helsinki puppy show. Jalo (O. Kung Fjalar) second in small puppies group with honour price, Karo (O. Kuunlilja) second in small puppies group with honour price, grate!

20.4.2017 I-litter 2 years! Congrats!
12.4.2017 C-litter 7 years! Congrats!
1.4.2017 L-litter was born – all is fine with the puppies and Doris!

28.3.2017 E-litter 5 years! Congrats!
28,3,2017 Still a couple of days… Doris and Irma are waiting….

G-litter 3 years! Congrats!

5.3.2017 K-litter 16 weeks came for a visit: Jalo, Karo, Konu, Kyllikki, Onni, Väinö and Hello from H-litter (from Kyllikki´s home)
26.2.2017 Odorosas spending holiday in Lapland

8.2.2017 K-litter 12 weeks met by us

28.1.2017 Specialty show for labradors in Lohja. Hippo (O. Josper Jovial) excellent in junior class, Maya (O. Isolde) very good in intermediate class and Irma (O. Bon Arrivee) first in veteran class with CC quality, also BOB veteran, judge: Anne Liland, Norway for bitches and Torunn Sorbye for best veteran

22.1.2017 Turku INT show. Hippo (O. Josper Jovial) very good in junior class, Jokke (O. Jolly Joker) very good in junior class, Ropi (O. Harald) second in working class, Irma (O. Bon Arrivee) first in veteran class with CC quality and also BOB veteran, judge: Richard Bott, UK
14.1.2017 J-litter came for visit: Hippo, Laku, Oona,  Roope and Tarmo, thanks for a nice day!

Happy New Year 2017